With the holiday season just around the corner, you can bet there will be plenty of good cheers. Whether you like listening to festive music, stringing up lights around the house, or baking up some of your favorite seasonal pastries, this is a time of year to be excited about. That said, if you recently received new dentures, you might wonder how they’ll affect your holiday meals. Read on to learn about several types of foods you should avoid while wearing your restorations and tips for making the most of your favorite seasonal dishes!


3 Kinds of Holiday Foods to Avoid with Dentures

Now that you’re in the holiday months, you’re likely excited about filling your plate full of delectable foods and festive treats. However, you may want to be cautious about your options if you have dentures. You’ll need to keep clear of certain foods while wearing your new restorations, including:

  • Hard foods: Some dishes are more difficult for your dentures to bite into, like nuts and raw veggies. To prevent your restorations from shifting or popping out of place, try picking softer options when possible, such as mashed potatoes and steamed mixed veggies.
  • Chewy protein: Tougher meats like steak and pork chops can be a challenge for your dentures, especially since it’ll take more chewing to break them down into smaller pieces to swallow. Instead of risking wobbly or loose dentures, go for more tender meats that are easy to tear, such as chicken and turkey.
  • Sticky treats: While tasty sweets like cranberry sauce and pecan pie are enjoyable, they can end up sticking to your dentures, making it more difficult to keep them clean. Make sure to stay away from treats that will cling to your restorations.

Tips on Enjoying Your Meals with Dentures

If you want to enjoy your holiday dishes while wearing dentures, consider practicing the following measures:

  • Take smaller bites: Your meals may be delicious, but it doesn’t mean you’ll need to take large bites. By taking small bites, you’ll be able to chew your food thoroughly and enjoy it more fully.
  • Eat slowly: It’s easy to want to rush through your holiday meals, especially if you’ve been looking forward to the festivities. However, this won’t bode well when wearing your dentures, especially if you’re still getting accustomed to them. Be sure to take your time to avoid any risks or embarrassing situations.

You can still enjoy your favorite dishes even after receiving dentures! By keeping clear of certain foods and practicing the above tips, you’ll be sure to have a more pleasant experience during the holiday season.

About the Author

Dr. Jill Wade received her dental doctorate from Baylor University and has well over two decades of experience under her belt. She also regularly seeks continuing education to refine her expertise and is a member of several prominent organizations, such as the American Academy of Oral Systemic Health and the Academy of General Dentistry. She offers numerous high-quality services, including dentures. If you’d like to know about maintaining a healthy and safe diet with dentures, visit her website or call 469-361-0081.