For years I have read, been consulted, lectured to, and encouraged to WRITE down my goals for the year.  By physically writing them down you will solidify your thoughts, have a tracker, and be able to celebrate your successes.  For many years I ignored this advice because I would come up with the excuse that I did not have time to sit and write them down. (Obviously time management finds a place on my yearly goals now) Three years ago, I faithfully began to make written yearly goals a priority. And to my disbelief it DID EXACTLY what everybody had always said.


Do you write down your goals?


I can’t remember who (another goal of mine…to improve my memory) told me that they had encouraged their children to write down their goals each year. They purchased a book for each child, and each holiday season sat down with their children and worked with them to formulate goals. Keeping them each year written down in the book. As the children got older, it kept the parent in sync with what the child wanted to accomplish, not just what the parent wanted for their child. They found that as adults the children continued the habit and still share the list with the parent allowing for a life time of an ability to support their beloved child.


2015 was the first year I began goal setting with the twins. So here are the goals of 6 year old minds.


To learn

Good Behaviors

Learn to ride a bike with no training wheels

Better Manners

Helping mom more

Pick up toys



I found ironic humor in a couple of ways:

  1. How simple yet powerful some of their goals are. I find my adult goals to be so specific.
  2. Many of their goals actually help others along the way, while mine focused more narrowly on my benefit… not others.
  3. Half way through the first month of having set their new year goals, they have already accomplished and worked hard on 1/3 of their goals. While I have only worked and accomplished 1/16 of my goals (1 pound of weight loss which fluctuates with water/wine retention)
  4. Found resources to help them with their goals, our young adult friend and neighbor that has more energy than their busy mom to run behind a bike while practicing. Thank heaven for youth and energetic friends.


My new years resolution is instead of trying to teach my children… maybe I should step back and learn from them. The simplistic big picture thinking of children is miraculous and positive. As adults I think it is easy to lose site of the simple things in life. Big thanks to whom ever or what ever book that suggested the project of goal setting with your children. It has been a fabulous lesson for me and hopefully now for you! Best of Luck in 2015 achieving your big goals.

Dr.  Wade